lawsuit waiting to happen...
here's a picture of my shower:

notice there is no curtain or door. the glass wall stops only half way. this means after a nice, long, semi-hot shower, there is a HUGE puddle of water on the floor. also the tub walls are SO high (it comes up to about mid-thigh) that it's hard to climb in. there have been a few times that i slipped due to all the water. i landed on the inside of my knee, right on the edge of the marble. talk about sore! there's a big bruise there, and it's been there for a while cuz everytime it starts to heal, i fall again re-bruising it. :( i'd be surprised if there weren't any lawsuits on file...

notice there is no curtain or door. the glass wall stops only half way. this means after a nice, long, semi-hot shower, there is a HUGE puddle of water on the floor. also the tub walls are SO high (it comes up to about mid-thigh) that it's hard to climb in. there have been a few times that i slipped due to all the water. i landed on the inside of my knee, right on the edge of the marble. talk about sore! there's a big bruise there, and it's been there for a while cuz everytime it starts to heal, i fall again re-bruising it. :( i'd be surprised if there weren't any lawsuits on file...
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