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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Thursday, June 22, 2006

just when i started to get used to being home...'s time for a new adventure! in anticipation of the hot weather, i cut my hair:

it's much cooler and lighter. each time my hairstyle gets shorter and shorter and shorter...i don't know if i can deal w/ long hair anymore!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

more pictures part 3

more pics to share...mahalo karan!!!

me and taranjit (WTH?!?):

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

indian beauty and cutie

here's my favorite bollywood actress, aishwarya rai:

she is so breath-takingly beautiful...she beats angelina hands down. as it is discussed in "memoirs of a geisha", she could definitely stop a man in his tracks with just one look.

and here is another cutie, abhijeet sawant. he was the first "indian idol":

still celebrating my birth month...

what great friends i have...

tonight i had dinner with the fabulous foursome to celebrate my welcome home & birthday! it was a hana hou from's us at mariposa's on march 7 (including a beautiful sunset!...picture by brandon nakachi):

and here's us tonight at 3660 on the rise:

more pics from tonight:

what would life be without friends???

Monday, June 12, 2006

celebrating my birth month

The birthday celebration continues...when I celebrate my birthday, it's not just one day, it's a whole month party! Saturday night we went to see Audra dance at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel...sure did enjoy the view! ;) (Haha, you tried to not introduce me...didn't work!!!) She was so gracious to take a picture in between songs:

After we dined at the Cheesecake Factory in Waikiki. Love that place! Here's Alex, me, and Audra after our feast...and there's always room for cheesecake!:

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i'm home!!!...and other things

i have finally returned back to hawai'i nei. it's good to be home, but it's soooooooo humid!!! delhi was hot and over 100 degrees everyday, but it was not humid. here, it's only in the 80s but the humidity is what makes it unbearable. just sitting still makes me sweat!

congratulations to my friend sheri who competed in the miss hawai'i paegant last night. he u'i maoli no 'oe!!!
(notice my beautiful kurta!!!)

i finally started to unpack...and after show and tell, here's what my living room looked like:

and these are only my purchases! my clothes are already being washed. what a mess! shawls, kurtas, marble inlaid boxes and bangles everywhere!

thank you to everyone for the birthday gifts and wishes!!! each one of you made my day so special...i wish it was my birthday everyday of the year!

so i had my in & out burger as soon as i got to vegas, i had starbucks, and when i came home to hawai'i i made spam and eggs for breakfast, had zippy's saimin for lunch, and had 'ono hawaiian food for dinner. i just need to squeeze in some time at L&L for some chicken katsu and mililani restaurant for some fried noodles, then i'm good to go. ready to head back out again...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

more pictures part 2

i am now in las vegas, and will be leaving for honolulu tomorrow morning!!! i'm getting really excited. i'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. what was the very first thing pam and i did after she picked me up from the airport??? headed straight to in and out burger!!! mmm, so 'ono! here's more pics.

first, this is on thursday 6/1, the second to the last day:

group shot

jason, me, & carol in the elevator after a long day.

and here are more pics from friday 6/2, the laaaaaaast day:

me and the girls from the reception desk at the hotel. they dressed me in my saree.

me w/ the valet guys from the hotel

the last supper...butter chicken, dal mahkni, and paneer

me and anuj

me and prakash

sangeeta, me, divya, shalini, & ipsita (kneeling)

1/2 group shot

saloni and me...beautiful happy!

and finally in las vegas, here's me and pam this morning in front of her new townhouse:

back home...almost

I am back home!!! Well, my second home...Las Vegas! I arrived late last night after a 7 hour flight from Delhi to Frankfurt, then a 7 hour layover, then an 11 hour flight to San Francisco, then another 4 hour layover, then a 2 hour flight to Las Vegas. What a trip!

Most embarassing moment: as I was coming down the escalator headed toward the tram at the Vegas airport, I was so tired. I had my computer bag on one shoulder, my purse, and a very heavy bag on the other shoulder. I was walking quite briskly in my boots, when lo and behold, my heel slips from under me. I was teetering, and because of all the heavy bags I was carrying, could not catch my balance and next thing you know I was flat on my face!!!!!! It happened in slow motion, but yet it happened so quickly. I jumped up so fast, can you imagine everyone on the escalator had a perfect view! I must've landed on my knees first and then my hands, cuz this morning I woke up with 2 big bruises on my knees and they hurt like heck! Ow...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

last day!

well, as they say, all good things must come to an end. so ends my stay here in india. i have lots of wonderful memories and lots of new friends i will never forget. here are some pics from my last day. my digital camera broke last weekend (can you believe it?) so i have to rely on pics taken w/ a primitive disposable camera and those taken by others. (shukriyan arun!)

...a hui hou...phir milenge...until we meet again...

me in my saree

arun and me

ashish and me

varun and me

carol and me