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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i'm home!!!...and other things

i have finally returned back to hawai'i nei. it's good to be home, but it's soooooooo humid!!! delhi was hot and over 100 degrees everyday, but it was not humid. here, it's only in the 80s but the humidity is what makes it unbearable. just sitting still makes me sweat!

congratulations to my friend sheri who competed in the miss hawai'i paegant last night. he u'i maoli no 'oe!!!
(notice my beautiful kurta!!!)

i finally started to unpack...and after show and tell, here's what my living room looked like:

and these are only my purchases! my clothes are already being washed. what a mess! shawls, kurtas, marble inlaid boxes and bangles everywhere!

thank you to everyone for the birthday gifts and wishes!!! each one of you made my day so special...i wish it was my birthday everyday of the year!

so i had my in & out burger as soon as i got to vegas, i had starbucks, and when i came home to hawai'i i made spam and eggs for breakfast, had zippy's saimin for lunch, and had 'ono hawaiian food for dinner. i just need to squeeze in some time at L&L for some chicken katsu and mililani restaurant for some fried noodles, then i'm good to go. ready to head back out again...


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