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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Friday, November 24, 2006

recent adventures

it's been a while since i last busy! here are my latest adventures:
anghie and i hung out at rizal park 11/5/06:

here's us in the calesa:
city hall:

rizal monument:

at the famous manila hotel:

in the lobby...waiting for mr. right? wrong.......:

syed's back! celebrating at watering's about 7am!!! 11/9/06:

at pagsanjan falls 11/12/06:

see the raft behind me? someone had the bright idea of taking a raft of people right under the waterfall and charging P90 for it!!!! and i can't believe i did it, too. tourists...[rolling eyes]. and as i was walking from the canoe to the falls, i was wondering why everyone was coming back completely drenched. :)


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