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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Sunday, July 23, 2006

wishes and misses

happy birthday to alexandra! sometimes it seems alex and i are the only 2 single girls left in the world, but remember...things happen when you least expect it! here's shae, alex, & i celebrating her birthday last year:

congratulations to tracy! she and her husband shondee are expecting their first child anyday now. here's us hiking at makapu'u in december 2003:

miss you nayners! i miss our conversations in person, not just over messenger! there's so much we still need to catch up on. here's nayns and maks on a recent girl's night out:

i miss you lawrence!!! i miss working with you, eating lunch with you, and going to zippy's with you! life is so dull without your presence. keep those updates coming!

finally, miss you tee! i know i've posted this pic b4, but it's one of my faves so it deserves to be posted again. here's alex, tee, & me from merrie monarch 2001:


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