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Sunday, July 02, 2006

in the motherland

well, i made it to the motherland!!! i've been here for 1 week, and already have experienced so much. the best part is, i'm surrounded by people from india, so i have the best of both worlds!!! i can still use my hindi and hear other people speak it, and learn the mother tongue as well.

saw the new superman movie on thursday when it came out was GREAT!!!!! i highly recommend it! i love my superman, and i'm not talking about the actor.... sigh, my hero. :)
the problems that i was having in india w/ my laptop were not fixed before i came here, so unfortunately, i'm not able to upload pics from my camera. :( at least my camera works. PHEW!!! i will have to find another way to share my pics...when there's a will, there's a way.

the cuisine here is unlike anything i've ever experienced. i thought i was familiar with it due to the presence of the culture back home, but there are so many things i didn't the fact that filipinos do not waste ANY part of the animal, and i mean ANY part. take a chicken for example: they eat the normal parts like breast and thighs, but then there's the head, the eyes, the beak, even the feet which they deep fry and appropriately enough it's called adidas. eew. Then there's balut...if you don't know what that is, don't look to me for an stomach and knees get weak just thinking about it. But they love it here. And then the part of all parts...chicken ass. Can you believe it??? double eew. I did eat bagoong, which is a fish paste. What part of the fish, I'm not sure. But strangely enough, it was served w/ green mango which was very sour. Hmmm, green mango and fish paste...sounds like a strange combination, but it was actually very tasty. we'll see how brave i get the longer i stay here, however no plans to eat balut whatsoever.


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