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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Sunday, July 09, 2006

birthday party

my co-worker is from the motherland and was in town, so today he invited me to a birthday party. it was particularly interesting because before i left hawai'i, we found out that i might be related to his wife, so he wanted me to meet my relatives. they couldn't believe i was a filipina...oh well, sorry. too much haole blood i guess. at least my indian people say i look hindi. hmmm...interesting party. it was outdoor at a pavillion, and with the weather how it is, it was very hot and humid. sheesh, i thought hawai'i was humid...not as humid as here. it could be also that it has been raining. :( either way, i'm glad i had my fan.

after i got back from the party, i took a nap and did my daily ritual---headed for the mall! had to get dinner (went to CPK) and had to re-load my phone. i think the u.s. is the only place that doesn't do pre-paid minutes. i'm getting pretty good at getting around by myself. sigh, i suppose this is what it will be like once i move to chicago (or "chicagee"). pretty lonely.


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