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Location: Mililani, HI, Philippines

Sunday, July 23, 2006

exciting weekend

what an exciting weekend i had!!! i got to catch up on my movies. saturday night, i had all intentions to go downstairs to the block party that happens every weekend and hang out and listen to the live band (by myself no less!). but alas, i took my usual afternoon nap and could not wake up!!! :( i could not keep my eyes open long enough even to go out to get dinner...even to order room service! now that's of course i finally woke up around 9pm and then couldn't go back to sleep. grrrrr....i ended up watching "the last samurai". i've never seen it before, and i enjoyed it so much! it was so moving...and so many asians! i think i'm getting my taste for asians back. ken watanabe was hot, especially since he had a shaved head (thanks to joy for that one), and he had that smoldering attitude going on. i even was digging tom cruise, and i don't normally care for long hair and facial hair.

then tonight, we couldn't go anywhere cuz it was raining, so we stayed in and watched "the breakup" with jen aniston and vince vaughn. i think they make a cute couple, but i hated the movie! well, more specifically, i hated the ENDING!!! if you can even call it raised more questions than provided answers. blech, i hate that. we also watched "hitch" after that is a movie i enjoy and can watch over and over! my favorite is when kevin james is showing will smith his dance moves. hilarious! ah, i needed a good laugh. :D


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